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Haere Mai! Hello and Welcome!

St. Luke's Anglican Church, Rotorua, extends a very warm welcome to you,

wherever you are, whoever you are, wherever you are from.


Whether you're visiting our lovely city for a day or a week, this is your

hometown, or you've moved into the area.


We welcome you.png

Whether you love company or want to worship with us, or just want to find

a quiet place in the city.


Saint Luke's has a place for you!



1223 Amohia Street

Service Times

Dec. 31 and each Sunday
through January
9am Service Only

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Our NZ Prayer Book/ He Karakia Mihinare O Aotearoa is a real treasure. There are morning and evening worship services from page 30, or shorter Devotions for each day of the week from page 104. Other prayer resources from page 138, as well as readings and Collects for each Sunday from page 547. These spiritual resources can sustain us if we use them regularly. 


God be with you all 

Anglican Diocese of Waiapu

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