This Sunday morning 10am Service.
Shared lunch follows service

Who is St Luke
St Luke “the Evangelist” was a Greek-speaking citizen of Antioch, in what is now Syria. He’s called “the Evangelist” because he wrote the Gospel of Luke, telling the story of Jesus’ birth, ministry on earth, and the events leading up to his death and resurrection. Luke is the only one of the four Gospel writers who gives us a detailed description of Jesus’ conception and birth. Luke also wrote the book of Acts, which continues the story of the early followers of Jesus and the formation of the very first churches.
Luke was a friend of St Paul’s and is mentioned by name in some of Paul’s letters. He is often called “St Luke the Physician” because he was a doctor by profession. Luke travelled extensively with Paul during Paul’s ministry trips around the Mediterranean.
St Luke’s traditional symbol is a winged ox, and he is the patron saint of doctors, artists, students, and butchers! His feast day (the memorial of his death) is 18 October.
About St Luke's
St Luke’s is the Anglican Parish church of Rotorua in the Waiapu Diocese, and identifies with the wider Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia. We are Anglicans with a distinctly New Zealand flavor.
If you worship with us, you’ll find familiar hymns and contemporary songs, liturgy that is warm and welcoming, prayer that is offered humbly and with love, and a community that cares deeply for each other.
Communion is offered weekly in the Sunday services at 8am and 10am and mid-week on Wednesdays at 10am. Every person who comes is welcome to receive communion at God’s table. Communion can also be taken to you at home if you’re unwell or can’t make it to church for some reason. Contact the office if you want to arrange a home communion.
We are a central-city parish with a variety of worship styles within the Anglican tradition and a strong ethos of outreach to the community.
Taonga and Treasures
Our New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa is one of the tāonga (treasures) of our New Zealand Anglican tradition. It is multi-lingual, with services offered in Te Reo Māori, English, Fijian, and Tongan.
There are also services and patterns of worship offered if you wish to have a time of prayer each day using a liturgical structure.
The St Luke’s organ is also a tāonga. It is a Baroque-style organ with beautiful tone, and is often used for concerts and recitals, as well as in our worship services.
St Francis Whanau Aroha Centre
Is our Early Childhood Centre based at 13 Thomas Cres. Western Heights, Rotorua.
We are a faith-based Early Childhood Centre operating as a service provided by the Waiapu Anglican Social Services (http://www.waiapuanglicansocialservices.org.nz/) and locally supported by the Parish of St Luke's. For enquiries please call the Manager Erin Batley on 07 347 3080